Scripting Node

This node, under Security in the Workflow Administration Console, lets you configure Workflow Server settings for designing and running scripts with the Script and SDK Script activities. This node lets you enable or disable scripting, terminate workflows that attempt to run script activities that are not allowed, cancel scripts that run too long, and manage references to Global Assembly Cache (GAC) assemblies.

ClosedShow me this node.

To open this node

  1. In the Workflow Administration Console's Console Pane, expand the Security node.
  2. Select Scripting. The node will list the script security settings.
  3. Tip: You can refresh this list to reflect recent changes by clicking the Refresh link below Scripting in the Actions Pane. Alternatively, right-click the Scripting node and select Refresh.

To allow script references to GAC assemblies

Script references are links to other .NET assemblies that can be run by the script. There are two setup parts to using a reference in a script. The first part is configuring the reference with the Workflow Server. After a reference is configured with the server it will be available for use in the Workflow Designer's Script Editor.

  1. Select the Scripting node in the Console Pane or any scripting security settings in the Details Pane.
  2. Click Properties in the Actions Pane, or right-click and select Properties.
  3. In the ClosedReferences tab, configure which GAC assemblies you want to allow references to.
  4. Optional: To configure custom references, click Add. Browse to the desired assembly, and click Open. Select the Allowed checkbox to be able to reference the assembly. Clear the checkbox to not be able to reference the assembly. To remove a custom assembly, select the assembly and click Remove.

Note: If you reference an assembly that is not allowed (either because it is a custom assembly with a cleared Allowed checkbox or because its excluded by the reference option you chose above) and you reference the assembly in a Script activity, you will encounter build warnings in the Script Editor and errors during publishing for having referenced an assembly that is not allowed.

To configure script settings

  1. Select the Scripting node in the Console Pane or any scripting security settings in the Details Pane.
  2. Click Properties in the Actions Pane, or right-click and select Properties.
  3. In the ClosedSettings tab, select or clear the following options.

To configure advanced performance script options

Note: These options may affect the performance of your Workflow Server.

  1. Select the Scripting node in the Console Pane or any scripting security settings in the Details Pane.
  2. Click Properties in the Actions Pane, or right-click and select Properties.
  3. In the ClosedPerformance (Advanced) tab, select or clear the following options.

To export the contents of this node in a .csv, .xml, or .txt file

  1. Select the node in the Console Pane.
  2. Select View from the main menu.
  3. Click ClosedExport Contents.
  4. In the Export data dialog box, name the exported file.
  5. Select CSV File, XML File, or Tab Delimited Text File from the drop-down menu.
  6. Click Save.